
We're here to help!

We're delighted to offer you easy, convenient access to all the resources you need to register and start using the platform for booking land, work placements and more...

We understand that getting started on a new platform can sometimes be daunting, which is why we've designed tutorials to simplify your experience.

Whether you want to create an account, personalise your profile, register for a work placement or book a pitch, we'll be putting everything you need online very soon to ensure a smooth transition.

Feel free to explore our tutorials below and follow the step-by-step instructions. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our secretariat.

Any questions ?

Contact us to find out how to use the platform easily and efficiently.

Contact us →

Create your profile on Plugin

View the PDF instructions.

Sign up for a course on Plugin

View the PDF instructions.

Use of charging points for electric cars

How to create your account on My Kids Tennis

The different stages at the Kids Tennis High School

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